Amelie Green


emilio pucci

Amelie Green


Precio por m² - IVA incluido
1.198,00 €/
Este artículo se vende por metro cuadrado y puede adaptarse a cualquier superficie y personalizarse en color. El Bisazza Design Studio se encuentra a tu disposición para una consulta gratuita. Para saber más, haz click en «Solicitar información».
Número de producto: 06001678VL
Formato tesela 10x10 mm mm
Dimensiones totales del decorado
Rejunte recomendado
Fillgel plus 1104 neutro base


emilio pucci

The Marquis Emilio Pucci founded the company that bears his name in the 1950s, becoming famous throughout the world as the “Prince of Prints”. Taking inspiration from natural landscapes, architecture and exotic cultures, he created kaleidoscopic prints that made an indelible impact. Today, these prints are updated each season in a faithful and contemporary way. Pucci’s creations, which are a mix of Italian exuberance and simple shapes, celebrate colour and an unconventional lifestyle. Like an invitation to “La Dolce Vita” that has been a shining light since 1947, there are a sophisticated blend of hues and the distinctive traits of the brand’s style. Pucci’s colour combinations are immediately recognizable and represent energy and excitement while simultaneously maintaining a certain essential feel in terms of the styles of models and flowing dresses. In addition to ready-to-wear creations, the Pucciuniverse offers its sophisticated clientele a complete style that stands out for its concept of the Italian lifestyle, ranging from beachwear to resort wear, to the worlds of art and design. Emilio Pucci is a brand with worldwide recognition and is distributed worldwide, with boutiques and pop-ups based in select locations inspired by the founder’s journeys – New York, Miami, Capri, Florence, Milan, Hong-Kong and Seoul.

Más información
Uso previsto
Suelo de interior
suelo de tráfico ligero (ambientes residenciales privados) 2
Suelo de exteriores
no apto
Piscina y SPA
apto 1
Revestimiento de interior
apto 2
Revestimiento de exteriores
apto 1
apto 2
1 para la colocación en exteriores, piscinas y zonas húmedas (baño turco, etc.) utilizar Epoxy Pool Installation System (adhesivo epoxídico eGlue, pasta de rejuntar epóxidica Pool eGrout) 2 utilizar Epoxy Installation Kit (adhesivo epoxídico eGlue, pasta de rejuntar epóxidica Fillgel Plus
Información sobre el producto
Colección Mosaico
4 mm
Formato tesela
10x10 mm
~0,76 mm
Tamaño de la hoja
322x322 mm
Teselas por hoja
7 kg/m2